
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Here I animated some dialogue all on one page. I wanted to see if the expression and the roll of the head was actually going to work.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Fun with Weasels

 Here's some more Milt Kahl studies I did while at Disney developing a Mr Toad sequel.
 Pen and ink on bristle board with Dr Dartin dyes

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cats dont Dance

When I designed Sawyer for 'Cats dont Dance', I created lots of expressions, pose and dance studies. The character got changed a little but it sure was fun to explore a life spirit in her!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sketching with color

This is just a little watercolor study of the light reflecting off a table
 onto a persons face.


She could have just mentioned inflation..

Friday, November 15, 2013

Look down at your feet

This is a new cartoon I am working on... more to come soon! Stay tooned..

Thursday, November 14, 2013


This is another Beer label for one of our home brews.

This is your waiter Barnacle Bob.

Positive Thinking

This is a character I designed that was over the top enthusiastic.

Character Studies and Model Sheets

Thumbnail storyboards

These are thumbnails for some beat boards im doing. Some people dont need this step but it helps me to plan my composition and staging. Is it as strong as it can be?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tough Shitzu!

This is a t shirt design I did for my eighty year old mom.
 Her friends at church dug it

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pagemaster Dragon

I designed the dragon for the movie The Pagemaster. These are some of the roughs

Monday, November 11, 2013

Fashion victim

Some say it's better to look good than to feel good. This guy works at Macy's near my house and gives me advice on pants. He seems uncompfortable!

Say what again!

Just another retro-future bad guy with a gun and a bad attitude!

Character Design of Uncle Shell

Uncle Shell was very proud of his hair!
 His greatest fear was the west wind.

Character design for Beijing movie

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Model Sheet from Rover Dangerfield

Eddie was Rovers best friend and canfidant.  These are some roughs I did exploring his expressions.

Lonesome Dragon Logo

 This I did as a label for one of our craft beer creations!

Alien Oyabun

A guy I saw in london!

Whos that bug on sax?

Thats my buddy Blue Bug on sax! He can really stretch a note!

Milt Kahl studies

I did these studies from Milt Kahl's Moley animation from 'Wind in the Willows'!
 I wanted to try to feel the superb nature of Milts posing and line work!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Smurf pose sheet

I always like to play around with posing a character before I begin animating it! This allows me to feel like I can get inside it, him, (or her). As it turned out, the Smurfs are priportioned almost exactly like Micky Mouse! Go figure!

Zorg snaps!

I did these animation poses for a presentation at my sons pre-school.
 This was to demonstrate the power of just two images tp convey a thought.
 India ink with brush and Dr Martin Dyes on bristle board.